Sunday 1 September 2013

Blackberry Wine 5

Started 25th August 2013

With a hot summer, the blackberries are out in force - but not everywhere. Here is suburbia it's often difficult to find them locally as people hack down their "unsightly" brambles. We took a trip to the common over the road, only to find a church group had raided all the blackberries for a jam making session. We have to get up early to get berries before they do!

Luckily the brambles have grown well in our garden and in the mother-in-law's garden. I'm hoping for a haul of about 50lbs this year - if I didn't have so much (proper job) work to do, I reckon I could easily rake in 100lbs.

My plan is to make the blackberry wine in 4 gallon batches, one after the other. All the blackberries will spend "some" time in the freezers, which are rapidly filling up with fruit and veggies.

I don't want to be on the laptop when there are more blackberries to pick, so will finish this later.

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