Friday 27 July 2012

Mondego Reserve Medium Dry White Kit 1

Started 30th July 2012

We popped into Wilko's a couple of weeks ago and found these wine kits for just £12 each. They claim to make 30 bottles in less than 14 days, so we've got to try one and see what happens!

The kit is essentially a big can of concentrated grape juice with sachets of yeast, nutrient, stabiliser and finings under the lid. All we need is 3.5kg (about 7lbs) of sugar and a few gallons of water. What could be simpler than that?

A 5kg bag of sugar in Sainsburys is just £3.99. Therefore 3.5kg of sugar costs £2.80.
That makes the total cost of this kit just £14.80
For 30 bottles, that should work out to just 49.3p per bottle. That is 10% of the cost of ordinary shop bought wine when it's on offer!

We have the red version of this wine too, so we'll try that once the white has finished.

Update  5th August 2012

The instructions in the kit say it should ferment out in just 7 days. It's now 9 days. I took a hydrometer reading today and it's at 1.030, so the ferment is nowhere near finished. Disappointing considering the claims in the instructions. I'll check the SG again next weekend.

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