Sunday 29 April 2012

Raspberry Wine 1

Started 14th April 2012

This is our first batch of wine, started 2 weeks ago, so a bit of catching up to do with the record keeping.

Raspberry Wine Recipe 1
Raspberry wine with grape concentrate
Step 1:
Crush 3lb raspberries in a 5 litre bucket
Add 1 teaspoon of pectolase to break down the fruit and extract flavour and colour
Add 2.5lb sugar
Cover tightly, leave for 24 hours

Step 2:
245ml tin of red grape concentrate
1 teaspoon yeast nutrient
1 teaspoon wine yeast
Top up bucket to 4.5 litres (1 gallon) with cold water
Test SG and add sugar to bring up to 1090*
Put in airing cupboard to ferment for 7 days**

* The hydrometer floated quite high, SG reading about 1135, so (from what I'd read) it didn't need any more sugar
** 5 days should have been enough, but it's a weekend thing for us, so we just left it for 7 days

Step 3:
Strain the liquid into a cleaned, sterilised demijohn
Top up with cold water to the "shoulder" of the demijohn
Fit bung and airlock to demijohn
Leave to ferment for a few weeks (maybe 6)

Result so far ....
It looks good, looks like it'll become a really clear wine, deep red colour. The airlock is blipping nicely.

Step 4:
Rack off into clean demijohn

Add 1 crushed campden tablet
Raspberry wines 1 & 2 - this one is on the left
Add 1tsp potassium sorbate to stop the ferment
Shake well to mix and degas
Fit airlock and leave alone for 2 or 3 weeks to degas - give the demijohn a gentle shake every couple of day.

Results now .... Tastes good, strong raspberry flavour, a bit like pure raspberry juice, but alcoholic. Tested SG at this point - reading of 0.990, so it's a fairly dry wine. Should have tested SG sooner - must get into the habit of testing SG before racking off and stopping the ferment.

Step 5:
Bottle - Bottled 19th July 2012

The flavour has mellowed, it's not such a strong raspberry flavour, really nice wine now. This is definitely one we'll make more of.

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